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She doesn't even go here!

Hello blog followers! You are few but you are very appreciated. It's been another day at the University filled with laughs and snores. Today was extra special however because it is POWER-T Thursday. For those of you who do not know, a power-t is basically a tank top that all the douches wear to work out in. Every Thursday Daley and I honor these douches by sporting power-t's.  It's truly a momentous occasion.  Today I am wearing a red power-t that says "Ngaphui" on it.  I have no idea what this means but it might as well say "bad ass" cause that's how I feel when I wear it.

I just thought I would write right now that Daley is reading passage from her journal signed from Tom Riddle. We're HUGE Harry Potter fans. In fact we are going to go play Quittich this Saturday.  That's right. Believe it.

The U is always hosting a plethora of activities, yesterday it was Hemp Fest and today it was Oktoberfest and the Farmer's Market.  I bought bread from Volker's Grateful Bread.  It's so good but they only make appearances at Farmer's Markets so get on that ya hear?  And I bought a peach from a guy who couldn't understand anything I was saying.  But it didn't matter the incompetence of the man because his peaches were amazing.  Don't quote me on that questionable comment.  I then sat on the hill and people watched with my new friend Sadie.  It's like a freaking sport here.  It never gets boring.

I'm taking a class at the University called, "Bad Words and Taboo Terms."  I know what you're thinking and yes, it is an actual class.  Usually we talk about the "tabooness" of certain swear words and it gets quite monotonous.  Today was no exception except he gave us a list of euphemisms for the acts of "to shit," "to fuck," and "to masturbate." I hope you all know this blog is not for young ears, or I guess eyes. A euphemism is basically another way of saying a bad word only in a slightly less offensive manner.  So basically he gave us a list of 43 ways to say "to shit." 53 ways to say "to fuck." And 56 ways to say "to masturbate."  Giggles echoed around the classroom as such phrases as, "dropping the kids off at the pool," "I'd tap that," and "polishing the banister" were read out in class. Some people may think that hearing your 40-year-old professor talking about these things would be awkward, and to those who think that, you are absolutely correct.

After this particularly disturbing day of classes I retreated to my dorm and decided to watch one of the best movies of all time, "Mean Girls." hence the title of the blog.  Technically I was doing homework for my class because I need to find movie clips that define leadership. I didn't find any, but it was worth a try.  Dinner tonight was quite the occasion.  My food was knocked out of my hands and Sarah provided me with the quote of the day, no year.  "These is nothing us Jews like more then wrecking Christmas."  I was dying with laughter.  Sarah is Jewish by the way so don't think she is prejudice.

Oh by the way my suite mates are talking about tampons and how one of them has a "black lady ass" in the bathroom.  This is why Daley and I do not talk to the suite mates, ever.  And this is why they still don't know my name.

I would like to close out today's blog with a small shout out to some of my friends.  First of all Sara McDuskey, if you are reading this, I love you.  No one else can make a trip to the coffee house last two hours and also make it that much fun.  Date again soon? Please? And now to my best friend Ms. Erin Marie.  I love you dearly and you better be reading this.  Thank you for always being there to fight off the dementors with me.  If any of you are not understanding these Harry Potter references pick up the books, lock yourself in a room, and read until you are finished with all of them.

This is a picture Daley drew of Tom Riddle and the Baslisk. Dicture of the day.


blog blog blog blug blung blund blunde blunder bunder under UNDER ARMOUR

Hello friends, stalkers, and shirtless middle-aged men who have nothing better to do with their time!
First of all, valley view sucks, it always has and it always will. But you gotta do what you gotta do, and that is to PROTECT THIS HOUSE! (this house = valley view, idiots) Annnnnyway, now I am jobless, which means no more money, which means I can't complete my The Boxcar Children franchise collection. shoot. It also means I have more time for my internship ...that doesn't pay me, AND more time to look at porn on my computer. HAHA. life is good.

Second, John Stamos remains to be the best looking old man. ever. Don't argue. You'll lose. John Stamos will win. John Stamos wins at everything. Except ugly contests. You bet I love Glee.

There is no "third" section. John Stamos and Valley View are the most exciting things in my life.

Yeah, he Can pull off a mullet.

Okay bye.

Stay classy, and if you're not? don't ever read this blog again

Library, Hemp Fest, Limeade, and The Field House.

What a wonderful day for blogging right? Today was just as uneventful as the day before. I went to math and fell asleep. Then I went to my favorite place on the campus: the Library! I love the library. You can go in there and sit on the comfy couches, open up your book, take out your laptop, and study.  For me however, the library was used to get my high score on bejeweled (55,120 what now!) and to sit and think about what I really want to do with my life. What party to go to friday, what I'll change my major to be next week, what I can do to bug Daley, wondering where in the world is Carmen San Diego, and the daunting midterms coming up that I probably will not be prepared for. But as much as I try to be funny I really do love the library. Especially when I need a good nap.

As anyone who goes to the University of Utah knows this place is prime for people watching. The 2010 Hemp Fest was no exception. Walking around the hemp fest brought up memories of the 60's and how grateful I am I wasn't around to see them. Saige and i then decided to stop at Salt Lake Sweet Mint Limeade stand. This was truly the greatest moment of my life. For those of you that haven't tried the limeade hop on the train and come to the Salt Lake Farmer's Market where this stand makes a regular appearance. The limeade was delicious and made before our eyes while the stoned proprietor of the stand schooled Saige and me in what the difference between hemp and weed is. One is used for making things and the other you smoke, can you tell the difference? 

After drinking our weight in mint limeade Saige, Liz, and I headed to the Field House for a good ol' fashion session of exercising. Nothing like going to the gym and seeing meat heads yell at one another for being pussies. The good news is if you go to the gym 30 times you get a free t-shirt, guess whose going back 29 more times? I got to work off all that limeade somehow.

And here is Saige. The lovely dicture of the day.


Renee is one lucky man. Who doesn't love Celine Dion?

This is our first blog post so let me stat out by saying: what up motha f***ers?
We started out as two loser roommates with nothing to do on a tuesday night and so we decided to do something about it.  Now we are two loser roommates with a BLOG.
What should our first blog be about? CELINE DION, duh. That doesn't really surprise anyone right? Celine Dion is awesome. She is the love of Daley's life. It's slightly creepy. But whatever. For those who don't know who Celine Dion is, get a life. She is an amazing artist with so much talent and passion. And we love her. More about Celine will be blogged about later, but now onto a more serious subject. Deep Facebook statuses. There is nothing we love more than to log onto Facebook and see 20 posts about boys, lying, secret love, backstabbing neighbors, secret love with backstabbing neighbors, life, and cheating husbands. This deep insight into the minds of so many 12-24 year olds is the reason we keep going back everyday, several times a day. Here's to you Facebook. We'll write more later.

Boob grab. Dicture of the day.