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Brazilian Carnival.

Well it's that time of week again. Time for me to update the blog while Daley messes around and does nothing productive. Typical.

This week has been fairly uneventful. Finals and work have consumed my life. My sister Kelsey did graduate from Weber State Weber State Great Great Great. So that's pretty exciting. While at graduation I swear we sat behind a polygamist family. One guy with two girls all over him and forty (give or take a few) kids. Come on. What other explanation is there?

I did get to hang out with the one and only Katy Hunter. Which rocked. And her sisters Megan and Camille were there any they absolutely rock. We stayed at Denny's for hours then went to her house and colored pictures. Just like old times.

Last week marked the end of my first semester in college. It was a bittersweet feeling leaving the classes for the last time. Bitter because there was nothing more I could do for my grades and sweet because winter break is here. I use the word "winter" loosely because there is no snow and I don't have to wear six jackets to get the mail. It should be called my Daley break. Because that's what it really is. Come on mother nature bring on the snow.

The title for today's blog comes from the air freshener Daley bought. It's called Brazilian Carnival. Until now I had no idea carnivals could smell so pleasant. But according to Febreeze they do. Anyway, this air freshener saved our lives. The other day an RA was walking around the hall knocking on doors and looking for the source of marijuana, mary jane, pot, weed, or whatever you kids call it now a days. Luckily Daley had just freshened our room. The RA knocked and said, "May I step in and take a look around?" I couldn't decline. He took one step in and said, "This can't be the room. It doesn't smell like weed... It smells like... Brazilian Carnival." Ok that didn't really happen. An RA was really looking for the weed being smoked by some dumb shits on our floor but the second part was made up.

This week hasn't been terribly exciting. Hopefully my friends will help me to have a more eventful week (hint hint).  Until next time remember to listen to "The Prayer" by Kid Cudi. I'm addicted. Take a shot for me. That's how babies are made. The last few sentences of the blog are always random. Let's go ski.

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