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This will be short.

It's the week before finals. Keeping up on the blog is not my top priority. However, I feel that I must write something to keep you people coming back.

Snowboarding season has officially begun! Will I grow the balls and start doing tricks? Probably not. At least not while people are looking. People need to understand that I'm not my brother and I can't do cool stuff. It's a fact of life. I've learned to get over it. Will you? Snow has been scarce so far and if it doesn't snow soon I will be making animal sacrifices to the snow Gods. Actually that's a little cruel... I'll be making human sacrifices to the snow Gods. Starting with Saige. Sorry Saige it has to be done. Take one for the team!

I've gotten addicted to Modern Family. It's really so funny. If you haven't seen it then you should go on Hulu and check it out right now. Modern Family is probably the main reason for my procrastination. But it's ok because it's so damn funny.

Next semester I will be taking Spanish. I am a little scared because college foreign language classes are supposed to be way hard. I do know a couple key phrases that would help me out in a Spanish speaking country:

1. Donde esta el bano?
2. Hablas ingles?
3. Donde puedo encontrar cerveza barata?
4. Me encanta el futbol
6. Daley es una puta.
7. Saige es un chaige.
8. Que hora es?
9. Estoy aqui para comprar marihuana.
10. Voy a tener el pollo.

These phrases could save your life one day. Whether you are captured by a drug cartel, deciding what you want for lunch, or making casual conversation you will use at least 4 of these phrases. I have personally used all these phrases in real life survival situations.

That's it for now. For all you students reading: good luck on finals. Next week will be better. Maybe.

Until next time, PROTECT THIS HOUSE!!!

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