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It's been a while. Or just long enough.

Wouldn't it be embarrassing to be sitting in the library and have your computer make a loud noise such as indicating, "You have mail!" when everyone else is being quiet? That would be absolutely mortifying.

Another library blogging session for me. Sometimes even if I have reading and math homework hanging over my head all I want to do is write nonsense on a blog. It's been one of those weekends. You know what I mean right? Those weekends where you just have tons of fun and meet new people, where you go to Denny's, twice, and stay up until 4 every night. Those weekends don't come often enough. It all started out Friday night at Conor's house. Conor, Erin, Jordan, Justin, and I all watched "Face Off!" Which is a new competition show for people who do special effects make up. It was awesome, to say the least. We then tried to start a campfire out in the snow. Fail. I made one smore and then began to bitch immensely about how cold I was. We then played Malarky which is a game of deceit and lies. So I rock at it naturally. Actually I really don't. Jordan won this round. But I'll get her next time.

At around midnight I went to Denny's to meet up with the one and only Katy Hunter. She had come up to Ogden this weekend with her two awesome roommates, Pearl and Rakul, and Nicholas and Isaac. So of course I had to stalk them. Pearl is a bad ass and through some trickery was able to get Rakul up to Ogden. I enjoyed the company of Katy, Pearl, and Rakul on Saturday too. These kids rock hard core. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Things that came from hanging out with the Juniper 3:

1. I can now call Rakul my friend. And she can tell people she got my number (so smooth).
2. Pearl and I are friends off of Facebook.
3. Date with Katy Hunter (even though she constantly talked about her other dates in front of me.)
4. New found appreciation for sleep.

On Saturday night I went and saw "Life in a Day" which is a film at this year's Sundance Film Festival. Basically this guy had people film themselves for a day, July, 24, 2010, and then send in the footage. There was some really inspiring stuff, some funny things, sad things, and even disturbing images. I did shed a couple tears when they killed the cow. What can I say? It was sad.

Now it's time for me to go take a nap in Geology. It will be a miracle if I pass my classes. A few thoughts: when you post something on Facebook and you insist on using the wrong form of you're, there, to, etc. I have a hard time focusing on the actual meaning of your post. Even though I got Sarah a calendar for Christmas she still has no idea what day it is. Saige hasn't been mentioned in a long time so, Saige, here is your mention. Rakul is fabulous. Pearl is too cool in real life. I love Katy Hunter. Conor rocks at starting fires. Jordan is a good liar. Erin, it's Brittany's car so back off! And Nicholas and Isaac, you two are so hot. The end.

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