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Hey what are you doing back there babe?

Merry Christmas everyone! To those of the Jewish faith happy holidays! To those who are Jehovah's Witnesses... I don't have anything to say to you.

This morning I woke up to my whole family home. And when the family gets together things get crazy. My sister walked out on the deck today to call my dog who had just ran to the back yard and said, "Hey what are you doing back there, babe?" In calling the dog she also successfully creeped out our shirtless neighbor wandering around in his back yard. Should I be more concerned that Kels inadvertently hit on our neighbor or that he was walking around without a shirt on? Questions to be answered.

So last blog I wrote about how I wanted an Icee. Literally ten minutes after I submitted I get a knock on the door and there is Erin, Jordan, Kelsi, and Riley holding a Coke Icee for me. I could have cried from happiness. I have the best friends in the whole world.

Two days ago Erin, Jordan, Kelsi, Riley, and I decided to make a lip dub. For those of you who don't know what that is it's basically a lip-synched music video taken with only one shot. We did it to the song "Nobody But Me" by the Human Beinz just like they did on "The Office." It was so much fun. I want to do another one when I can actually walk.

Since I've been couch bound I have been watching an insane amount of movies. Today alone I have watched "How to Train Your Dragon" and "The Royal Tenenbaums." I love love love "The Royal Tenenbaums." It's my favorite movie of all time. Check it out if you haven't and if you have check it out again. I've seen it too many times. Or just enough.

Merry Christmas or your chosen holiday to everyone who is reading. Remember to turn off the lights, make a playlist, and get out and live.

We decided to raise Cooper as a Christian so it's his first Christmas. He looks like a Kangaroo.


In other news.

So Daley, Saige, Paige, Liz, Sarah, and I may or may not have made a Christmas card. And by that I mean we did. It's basically amazing. We all are good looking except Saige who had just gotten her wisdom teeth out. She looks stunning. We also did our Secret Santa exchange. All the gifts were good but the one I was given was the best! A survival guide in case gnomes attack? Come on. That is not only entertaining but useful. Daley is the best.

This week has been jam packed with fun and snowboarding. It's been great to get up to the mountain and not have to worry about school. Unfortunately I did something stupid this early in the season. I sprained my LCL. My knee is in a hinged brace and I'm out for 4 weeks. How did this happen you ask? Well you see I was just doing my normal double back off the cliff when something went wrong. I was about to land perfectly when a small child suddenly appeared blocking my landing. I either had to bail or commit murder so after much contemplating I chose the former. The result was a sprained LCL. Is this story true? Maybe or maybe not. But probably.

So I'm up for a month of doing nothing. Perfect time to beat Guitar Hero and Mario Kart on the Wii. Also a perfect time to read all the books I've been neglecting. But instead I'll probably just bitch and make people do stuff for me. Speaking of which I want a Icee. Now.

I don't have much else to say except the Lakers lost to the Bucks yesterday by 19. At home. I don't really pay attention to basketball unless it has to do with the Lakers being beat. Made my night.

Last words: spanish books are expensive. Did I call Daley just so she could hear me play Celine Dion? Yes. Christmas is 2 days away. Daley no longer has control of what time I go to bed, I stayed up until 3 bitch! And have a wonderful night/day depending on when you are reading this.

Oh and this was found in a children's class room under words that start with "o". So many things wrong with this. 


Totally forgot about the most important part...

While not studying for finals I made this:

Pride and joy right there. 

Brazilian Carnival.

Well it's that time of week again. Time for me to update the blog while Daley messes around and does nothing productive. Typical.

This week has been fairly uneventful. Finals and work have consumed my life. My sister Kelsey did graduate from Weber State Weber State Great Great Great. So that's pretty exciting. While at graduation I swear we sat behind a polygamist family. One guy with two girls all over him and forty (give or take a few) kids. Come on. What other explanation is there?

I did get to hang out with the one and only Katy Hunter. Which rocked. And her sisters Megan and Camille were there any they absolutely rock. We stayed at Denny's for hours then went to her house and colored pictures. Just like old times.

Last week marked the end of my first semester in college. It was a bittersweet feeling leaving the classes for the last time. Bitter because there was nothing more I could do for my grades and sweet because winter break is here. I use the word "winter" loosely because there is no snow and I don't have to wear six jackets to get the mail. It should be called my Daley break. Because that's what it really is. Come on mother nature bring on the snow.

The title for today's blog comes from the air freshener Daley bought. It's called Brazilian Carnival. Until now I had no idea carnivals could smell so pleasant. But according to Febreeze they do. Anyway, this air freshener saved our lives. The other day an RA was walking around the hall knocking on doors and looking for the source of marijuana, mary jane, pot, weed, or whatever you kids call it now a days. Luckily Daley had just freshened our room. The RA knocked and said, "May I step in and take a look around?" I couldn't decline. He took one step in and said, "This can't be the room. It doesn't smell like weed... It smells like... Brazilian Carnival." Ok that didn't really happen. An RA was really looking for the weed being smoked by some dumb shits on our floor but the second part was made up.

This week hasn't been terribly exciting. Hopefully my friends will help me to have a more eventful week (hint hint).  Until next time remember to listen to "The Prayer" by Kid Cudi. I'm addicted. Take a shot for me. That's how babies are made. The last few sentences of the blog are always random. Let's go ski.


This will be short.

It's the week before finals. Keeping up on the blog is not my top priority. However, I feel that I must write something to keep you people coming back.

Snowboarding season has officially begun! Will I grow the balls and start doing tricks? Probably not. At least not while people are looking. People need to understand that I'm not my brother and I can't do cool stuff. It's a fact of life. I've learned to get over it. Will you? Snow has been scarce so far and if it doesn't snow soon I will be making animal sacrifices to the snow Gods. Actually that's a little cruel... I'll be making human sacrifices to the snow Gods. Starting with Saige. Sorry Saige it has to be done. Take one for the team!

I've gotten addicted to Modern Family. It's really so funny. If you haven't seen it then you should go on Hulu and check it out right now. Modern Family is probably the main reason for my procrastination. But it's ok because it's so damn funny.

Next semester I will be taking Spanish. I am a little scared because college foreign language classes are supposed to be way hard. I do know a couple key phrases that would help me out in a Spanish speaking country:

1. Donde esta el bano?
2. Hablas ingles?
3. Donde puedo encontrar cerveza barata?
4. Me encanta el futbol
6. Daley es una puta.
7. Saige es un chaige.
8. Que hora es?
9. Estoy aqui para comprar marihuana.
10. Voy a tener el pollo.

These phrases could save your life one day. Whether you are captured by a drug cartel, deciding what you want for lunch, or making casual conversation you will use at least 4 of these phrases. I have personally used all these phrases in real life survival situations.

That's it for now. For all you students reading: good luck on finals. Next week will be better. Maybe.

Until next time, PROTECT THIS HOUSE!!!